So many things I could and should write about to restart this sadly neglected radio blog: Chris Evans leaving BBC Radio 2 breakfast; Eddie Mair also deserting Auntie for the LBC drivetime slot, causing some very welcome re-scheduling on that station and eliminating the dreaded 7 o’clock in the evening speech radio void. Well, I dreaded it, anyway – but that’s another blog post entirely.

Whatever I write about, I’ve got to stop trying too hard to be comprehensive. If you can be bothered to read the earlier posts (four years ago!!) I think you’ll agree that the term TL;DR could have been invented specifically for them. They definitely bored me when I re-read them just now, but I’m leaving them in place as an exercise in honesty and to pad the ruddy thing out a bit. From now on, it’s shorter and snappier: I listen to a show; I write about it. You don’t need to know the presenter’s shoe size, or why I think that matters – and the effort involved in all that just got in the way and was part of what stopped me doing it. Well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it: I was just too damn conscientious.

I think the next few posts are going to be pretty much pure praise of my favourite programmes, but I really mean to start discovering new stuff – podcasts as well – because that was my original aim: to add substance to the bland listings you’re faced with if you try to explore what’s on the radio.

So; I’ll shut up now and tell you about Shelagh Fogerty, like I should have done four years ago.

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